Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Daycare Zoo Trip

I am so behind. I have been waiting on my sister, Julie, to send me our Easter pictures. She does not seem to know the importance of a blog and trying to keep all of our events in order. Or she is saving me from having to post pictures of myself at 38 weeks pregnant. I hope to have the Easter pictures soon.
Here are the photos of Foster's trip to the zoo with his daycare class. All the mom's went but me. That week I was not feeling good and I knew there was no way I could walk around the zoo. I really probably could have done it, I just would not have been able to walk the next day.
Anyway, enough of my complaining.
Foster has three buddies that have been with him sense he started daycare. They are Jacob Scott, Parker Halford and Fletcher Godwin. These are the guys he is hanging out with in all the pictures. I am so grateful to their moms for passing the photos on.
They all emailed me and said that when they got to the monkey cage, Foster pointed to the monkeys and said Daddy!!! I thought that was great. I have been telling Jay that he needs to wax his back. Now maybe he will get the message a little more clear(jk...jay really does not need to wax his back).


Unknown said...

Parker will love being on your blog, Melissa. I'm sure first of many "fifteen minutes of fame".


Betty said...

this is cracking me up!

Jules said...

Wait 'til you see the Easter pictures, everybody, they are sooo cute! Foss doesn't like the Bunny!

Jill said...

Why does my nephew look 5 years old??? I'm so sad he is growing up! And SO FAST!!!