Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day at Rosemary Beach

We just go back from the beach with the Meacham family. It rained most of the time but we still had a really nice time. Jay and I got to get to get in the pool with Foster the last day. He loved it! Jay threw him in the air and Foster kept saying, "again, daddy." I did not think he would like it that much. Now I need to get the poor boy some swimming lessons.
Here are a few photos. I wish I could have done better, but it was raining a lot.

McNeil stayed in the house most of the time, but I think he even enjoyed getting away for a little while. He was great on the way to FL and on the way home. He likes riding in the car a lot more than Foster did at that age.


Jules said...

Yes it's time for swimming lessons.

Jill said...

Yea!!! I finally made the blog!!! I feel so honored!!!