Monday, February 28, 2011


It has been a long time since we have made a post.  I hope that there are still people out there that want to see how the Meacham's are doing.  To be honest there is not that much to report.  We have been busy with the boys and we are trying to take one day at time to maintain our sanity.  McNeil and Foster have a tendency to wear us out!

McNeil's birthday is coming up in April.  He will be two.  I have felt a little sad about it.  He is no longer a little baby and is now a wild man.  If it was up to me I think I would have another one everytime we start aproaching two.  You just can't beat the smell of a little baby and the innocence they bring:)
Foster turned four in January.  He started soccer a few weeks ago and we are going to attempt t-ball in a few weeks.  The word attempt is used strongly.  At this age they are just running around like chickens with their heads cut off, but they are having fun:)

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